========= First Use ========= So you have never used SECoP, and want to interact with a node? For exploring the protocol, all you need is a program that can talk tcp or serial, depending on your device. Connect to your device and send the following message to start communication ('>' and '<' show who is sending the message): .. code:: > *IDN? The SECNode replies with the version number of the protocol that it wants to speak: .. code:: < ISSE,SECoP,V2019-09-16,v1.0 Great! So we know, that we are talking to something that knows SECoP, but we do not know yet, what we are talking to. That is, what we will find out with next message: .. code:: > describe We will format the answer a bit, since it is longer than the usual messages we will encounter: .. code:: < describing . { "equipment_id": "introduction_node", "description": "a basic example", "modules": { "outside": { "interface_classes": ["Readable"], "implementation": "example.sensors.Temperature", "accessibles": { "description": { "value": { "datainfo": { "type": "double", "unit": "C" }, "description": "temperature outside", "readonly": true } } } } } } We asked the SECNode to describe itself to us, and now we can interact with specific parts of the SECNode. The easiest command to access a module is the `read` command, where we have to say, which value we want to read: .. code:: > read outside:value < reply outside:value [23.2, {"t": 1212121.121221}]