4. Descriptive Data#

4.1. Format of Descriptive Data#

The format of the descriptive data is JSON, as all other data in SECoP.


All names on each hierarchy level needs to unique (i.e. not repeated) when lowercased.

4.2. SEC Node Description#

SEC_node_description ::= '{' ( property ',' )* '"modules":' modules ( ',' property )* '}'



4.2.1. Mandatory SEC Node Properties#


contains a JSON-object with names of modules as key and JSON-objects as values, see Module Description.


Be aware that some JSON libraries may not be able to keep the order of the items in a JSON objects. This is not required by the JSON standard, and not needed for the functionality of SECoP. However, it might be an advantage to use a JSON library which keeps the order of JSON object items.


worldwide unique id of an equipment as string. Should contain the name of the owner institute or provider company as prefix in order to guarantee worldwide uniqueness.

example: "MLZ_ccr12" or "HZB-vm4"


text describing the node, in general. The formatting should follow the ‘git’ standard, i.e. a short headline (max 72 chars), followed by \n\n and then a more detailed description, using \n for linebreaks.

4.2.2. Optional SEC Node Properties#


short string naming the version of the SEC node software.

example: "frappy-0.6.0"


Is an optional string. The implementor of a SEC-node, defining the meaning of custom modules, status values, custom properties and custom accessibles. The implementor must be globally unique, for example ‘sinq.psi.ch’. This may be achieved by including a domain name, but it does not need to be a registered name, and other means of assuring a global unique name are also possible.


value in seconds, a SEC node should be able to respond within a time well below this value. (i.e. this is a reply-timeout.) Default: 10 sec, see SECoP Issue 004 The Timeout SEC Node Property

4.3. Module Description#

module_description ::= '{' ( property ',' )* '"accessibles":' accessibles ( ',' property )* '}'

4.3.1. Mandatory Module Properties#


a JSON-object containing the accessibles and their properties, see Accessible Description.


Be aware that some JSON libraries may not be able to keep the order of the items in a JSON objects. This is not required by the JSON standard, and not needed the functionality of SECoP. However it might be an advantage to use a JSON library which keeps the order of JSON object items.


text describing the module, formatted like the node-property description


list of matching classes for the module, for example ["Magnet", "Drivable"]

4.3.2. Optional Module Properties#


string indicating a hint for UIs for which user roles the module should be display or hidden. MUST be one of “expert”, “advanced” or “user” (default).


This does not imply that the access is controlled. It is just a hint to the UI for the amount of exposed modules. A visibility of “advanced” means that the UI should hide the module for users, but show it for experts and advanced users.


identifier, may contain “:” which may be interpreted as path separator between path components. The ECS may group the modules according to this property. The lowercase version of a path component must not match the lowercase version of any module name on the same SEC node.

related issue:

SECoP Issue 008 Groups and Hierarchy


tuple, with the following two elements:

  1. a string from an extensible list of predefined meanings:

    • "temperature" (the sample temperature)

    • "temperature_regulation" (to be specified only if different from ‘temperature’)

    • "magneticfield"

    • "electricfield"

    • "pressure"

    • "rotation_z" (counter clockwise when looked at ‘from sky to earth’)

    • "humidity"

    • "viscosity"

    • "flowrate"

    • "concentration"

    This list may be extended later.

    _regulation may be postfixed, if the quantity generating module is different from the (closer to the sample) relevant measuring device. A regulation device MUST have an interface class of at least Writable.

    related issue:

    SECoP Issue 026 More Module Meanings

  2. a value describing the importance, with the following values:

    • 10 means the instrument/beamline (Example: room temperature sensor always present)

    • 20 means the surrounding sample environment (Example: VTI temperature)

    • 30 means an insert (Example: sample stick of dilution insert)

    • 40 means an addon added to an insert (Example: a device mounted inside a dilution insert)

    Intermediate values might be used. The range for each category starts at the indicated value minus 5 and ends below the indicated value plus 5.

    related issue:

    SECoP Issue 009 Module Meaning


Is an optional string. The implementor of a module, defining the meaning of custom status values, custom properties and custom accessibles. The implementor must be globally unique, for example ‘sinq.psi.ch’. This may be achieved by including a domain name, but it does not need to be a registered name, and other means of assuring a global unique name are also possible.

4.4. Accessible Description#

accessible_description ::= '{' property+ '}'

4.4.1. Mandatory Accessible Properties#


string describing the accessible, formatted as for module-description or node-description

4.4.2. Mandatory Parameter Properties#


mandatory boolean value. Indicates whether this parameter may be changed by an ECS, or not.


mandatory datatype of the accessible, see Data info. This is always a JSON-Object with a single entry mapping the name of the datatype as key to a JSON-object containing the datatypes properties.


Commands and parameters can be distinguished by the datatype.

4.4.3. Optional Accessible Properties#

"group": XXX

identifier, may contain “:” which may be interpreted as path separator between path components. The ECS may group the modules according to this property. The lowercase version of a path component must not match the lowercase version of any module name or accessible on the same SEC node.

related issue:

SECoP Issue 008 Groups and Hierarchy


The accessible-property group is used for grouping of accessibles within a module, the module-property group is used for grouping of modules within a node.


a string indication a hint for a GUI about the visibility of the accessible. values and meaning as for module-visibility above.


Setting an accessibles visibility equal or higher than its modules visibility has the same effect as omitting the visibility. For example a client respecting visibility in ‘user’ mode, will not show modules with ‘advanced’ visibility, and therefore also not their accessibles.

4.4.4. Optional Parameter Properties#


Optional, contains the constant value of a constant parameter. If given, the parameter is constant and has the given value. Such a parameter can neither be read nor written, and it will not be transferred after the activate command.

The value given here must conform to the Datatype of the accessible.

4.5. Custom Properties#

Custom properties may further augment accessibles, modules or the SEC-node description.

As for all custom extensions, the names must be prefixed with an underscore. The meaning of custom properties is dependent on the implementor, given by the implementor module property. An ECS not knowing the meaning of a custom property MUST ignore it. The datatype of a custom property is not pre-defined, an ECS should be prepared to handle anything here.


An ECS which is not programmed to be aware about a specific custom property must ignore it.