6. Modules#

Definition: Module

A named logical component of an abstract view of the equipment.

We intentionally avoid the term “device”, which might be misleading, as “device” is often used for an entire apparatus, like a cryomagnet or humidity cell. In the context of SECoP, an apparatus in general is composed of several modules. For example different temperature sensors in one apparatus are to be seen as different modules.

Most modules should correspond to one independently measurable physical quantity and use one of the interface classes Readable, Writable or Drivable. However, more specialized modules like Communicator can be implemented where appropriate.

A SEC node controls a set of named modules. Modules are fully specified by the descriptive data, see Module Description.

6.1. Accessibles#

A typical module has several accessibles associated with it. An accessible is addressed by the combination of module and accessible name. Module names have to be unique within an SEC node, accessible names have to be unique within a module. There are two basic types of accessibles: parameters and commands.

Module and accessible names should be in English (incl. acronyms), using only ASCII letters and digits and some additional characters (see Message overview). The maximum name length is 63 characters.

Definition: Parameter

A piece of data associated with a module, typically in one of three categories:

  • physical or hardware defined, e.g. value or pid

  • informational, e.g. status

  • controlling the operation of the module, e.g. pollinterval

The main parameter of a module is its value. Writable parameters may influence the measurement (like PIDs). Additional parameters may give more information about its state (running, target reached), or details about its functioning (heater power) for diagnostics purposes. Parameters with a predefined meaning are listed in the standard, they must always be used in the same way. Custom parameters are defined by the implementation of the SEC node and their name must start with an underscore. The ECS can use unknown parameters only in a generic way, as their meaning is not known.

Definition: Command

Commands are provided to initiate specified actions of the module. They should generate an appropriate reply immediately after that action is initiated, i.e. should not wait until some other state is reached.

However, if the command triggers side-effects, they MUST be communicated before the reply is sent. Commands may use an possibly structured argument and may return a possibly structured result. Commands with a predefined meaning are listed in the standard, they must always be used in the same way. Custom commands are defined by the implementation of the SEC node, the ECS can use them only in a general way, as their meaning is not known.

The following section describes the currently predefined accessibles, this list will be extended continuously.

6.1.1. Basic Parameters#

Parameter "value":

A parameter representing the main value of a readable module.

Parameter "status":

A Finite Sequence of Items with Individually Typed Items: tuple of two elements:

  • A predefined value from an Enumerated Type: enum. The possible values for each module are given by the datainfo for the status parameter.

    The integer values for the enum must conform to the assignments given in Status codes, while the name are free. However, it is recommended to use the given group names if there is only one possible state from the given group.

    For example, {"IDLE": 100, "BUSY": 300, "ERROR": 400} is sufficient for most typical modules.

  • A free form descriptive text.

Parameter "pollinterval":

A hint to the module for the polling interval in seconds, type is always a Floating Point Numbers: double.

Parameter "target":

Present, if the module’s main value is to be changeable remotely, i.e. it is at least a Writable.

Command "stop":

Mandatory command on a drivable. When a module’s target is changed (or, if present, when the go command is sent), it is ‘driving’ to a new value until the target is reached or until its stop command is sent.

When the stop command is sent, the SEC node SHOULD set the target parameter to a value close to the present one. Then it SHOULD act as if this value had been the initial target.

Command "go":

Optional command for starting an action. If the go command is present, changing any parameter (especially the ‘target’ parameter) does not yet initiate any action leading to a BUSY state. In contrast, if no ‘go’ command is present, changing the target will start an action trying to change the value to get closer to the target, which usually leads to a BUSY state. Changing any parameter, which has an impact on measured values, should be executed immediately.

command "hold":

Optional command on a drivable. Stay more or less where you are, cease movement, be ready to continue soon, target value is kept. Continuation can be triggered with go, or if not present, by putting the target parameter to its present value.

Command "shutdown":

Optional command for shutting down the hardware. When this command is sent, and the status is DISABLED, it is safe to switch off the related device.

6.1.2. Ramping#

Parameter "ramp":

Writable parameter, desired ramp. Units: main units/min.

Parameter "setpoint":

Ramping setpoint, read only.

Parameter "time_to_target":

Read only Floating Point Numbers: double, expected time to reach target in seconds.

6.1.3. Modes#

Parameter "mode":

A parameter of datatype Enumerated Type: enum, for selecting the operation mode of a module. The available operation modes can not be predefined in the specification, since they depend on the specific module.

The meaning of the operation modes SHOULD be described in the description.

6.1.4. Status codes#

The status code is an integer, obtained as a combination of very general groups (multiples of 100), sub states (multiples of 10) and custom distinctions if really needed (single digits).

Assignment of status code groups#

Status code

Group name




Module is not enabled



Module is not performing any action



The same as IDLE, but something may not be alright, though it is not a problem (yet)



Module is performing some action



Module is in an error state, something turned out to be a problem

Assignment of sub states (state within the generic state machine)#


Variant name




Used for generic modules not having a state machine



Intermediate state: Standby -> Disabling -> Disabled



Intermediate state: Disabled -> Initializing -> Standby



Stable, steady state, needs some preparation steps, before a target change is effective



Intermediate state: Standby -> Preparing -> Prepared



Ready for immediate target change



Target has changed, but continuous change has not yet started



Continuous change, which might be used for measuring



Continuous change has ended, but target value is not yet reached



Value has reached the target and any leftover cleanup operation is in progress. If the ECS is waiting for the value of this module being stable at target, it can continue

Since not all combinations are sensible, the following list shows the so far foreseen codes:

Useful statuscodes#










Module is not enabled





Module is not performing any action





Stable, steady state, needs some preparation steps, before a target change is effective





Ready for immediate target change





The same as IDLE, but something may not be alright, though it is not a problem (yet)















Module is performing some action





Intermediate state: Standby -> DISABLING -> Disabled





Intermediate state: Disabled -> INITIALIZING -> Standby





Intermediate state: Standby -> PREPARING -> PREPARED





Target has changed, but continuous change has not yet started





Continuous change, which might be used for measuring





Continuous change has ended, but target value is not yet reached





Value has reached the target and any leftover cleanup operation is in progress. If the ECS is waiting for the value of this module being stable at target, it can continue





An error occurred, module is in an error state, something turned out to be a problem





An error occurred, module is still in Standby state, even after clear_errors





An error occurred, module is still in Prepared state, even after clear_errors

For the SEC node, it is recommended to use above names (second column) for the status Enumerated Type: enum type. For the ECS, the codes (and not the names) of the status Enumerated Type: enum are relevant for the meaning.

The distinction between the status values 360 to 380 is important if during a target change there is a period when the value changes in a continuous way and measurements might be useful. If there is no such period, for example because the value performs some damped oscillation from the beginning of the movement, generic BUSY or STABILIZING should be used instead.

Any undefined status code has to be treated like a generic subcode of the given code number, i.e. 376 should be treated as a BUSY_Ramping until it is defined otherwise in the specification.

Related issues:


A module only needs to declare the status values which it implements, i.e. a Readable module does not need a BUSY status.

The interplay between a typical mode parameter and the status codes can be visualized in the following graph:



Going to the DISABLED state may also be triggered by changing the mode to DISABLED. If the implementor for security reason wants to prohibit any action after a shutdown, this should only be achieved by a shutdown command, as disabling the module should be reversible.

6.1.5. Error handling#

Command "reset":

Optional command for putting the module into a state predefined by the implementation.

Command "clear_errors":

Optional command to try and clear an error state. It may be called when status is ERROR, and the command will try to transform status to IDLE or WARN. If it can not do it, the status should not change or change to an other ERROR state before returning done <module>:clear_errors.

6.1.6. Coupled Modules#

Parameter "controlled_by":

The control mechanism of a module might be coupled to another module (both modules are Drivable or Writable). This coupling is indicated by the controlled_by parameter (readonly). The datatype of the controlled_by parameter must be an Enumerated Type: enum, with the names being module names or self. The Enumerated Type: enum value of self must be 0. A module with a controlled_by parameter indicates that it may be controlled by one of the named modules.

This coupling of two modules influences in particular the behavior of the parameters target and value. For example a module B (e.g. representing the power output of a temperature controller) might be controlled by an other module A (e.g. the temperature module related to the same temperature controller), linking the behavior of the value parameter of module B to the target of the module A.

The coupling to the target parameter of module B can be realized in two ways:

  1. Module A is (constantly) altering the target parameter of module B.

  2. The target parameter of module B is not updated and the functional control of the target parameter of module B is switched off.

Any coupling of this kind must be signaled by the control_active parameter (see next section).

Taking over control by a module is done by changing the target parameter or sending a go command to a module. I.e. module A takes over control when a target change or a go command is sent to the module A. In this case, before sending the reply, the controlled_by parameter of the module B must be set to the controlling module A. However, when the target change or a go command is sent to module B, the control switches over to module B and the controlled_by parameter of module B has to be set to self. Please notice that in addition, the control_active parameters of module A and module B have to be set correctly (see next section) before sending the reply to a target change or a go command as stated before.


In case a module A controls several other modules, e.g. a temperature module of a liquid helium cryostat controlling the power output (module B) and the helium pressure for cooling (module C), additional parameters may be needed for selecting the control mode of module A. See for example the parameter "_automatic_nv_pressure_mode" in the example of a liquid helium cooled cryostat.

Parameter "control_active":

A readonly flag indicating whether a drivable or writable module is currently actively controlling. On a drivable without control_active parameter or with control_active=true, the system is trying to bring the value parameter to the target value. When control_active=false, this control mechanism is switched off, and the target value is not considered any more. In a typical example we have a module A controlling module B (e.g. temperature (A) and power output (B) as stated above) and with two possible states, as in the following example:


module A

module B

A controlling B


controlled_by=”A”, control_active=false

B self controlled


controlled_by=”self”, control_active=true

In another example we have two Writable modules (for example ‘I’ and ‘V’ in a power supply), which depend on each other in a system where not both may be active at the same time.


module I

module V

constant current

controlled_by=”self”, control_active=true

controlled_by=”I”, control_active=false

constant voltage

controlled_by=”V”, control_active=false

controlled_by=”self”, control_active=true

The module with control_active=false acts like a Readable, its target parameter is ignored. Changing the target value of the latter would switch control from one module to the other, toggling the control_active parameter of both modules.

Command "control_off":

A command to turn off active control (i.e setting the parameter control_active to false). This command is needed for turning off control, when there is no controlled module, e.g. when there is no heater module for a temperature loop, or when the heater module is not a Writable.

In a more general way, "control_off" puts the module into an ‘energy saving state’, switching off active heating and cooling for a temperature loop or in case of a motor switching current off.

Setting the target of a module always turns on active control. It is explicitly allowed for a module to have a "control_off" command when a controlled module is available (i.e. a module with a "controlled_by" parameter with the name of the controlling module).

6.1.7. Limits and Offset#

Parameter "target_limits":

In addition to the range given in the datainfo property of the target parameter, a SEC node might offer changeable limits restricting the allowed range even more. target_limits is structured as a Finite Sequence of Items with Individually Typed Items: tuple with two numeric members indicating the lower and upper end of a valid interval for the setting of the target parameter. The datainfo property of the target parameter must match the members of the datainfo property of target_limits. The SEC node must reply with an error in case a given target value does not fit into the interval.

Parameter "offset":

A storage for an offset to be applied when converting SECoP values to ECS values. See feature HasOffset.

6.1.8. Communication#

Command "communicate":

Used for direct communication with hardware, with proprietary commands. It is useful for debugging purposes, or if the implementor wants to give access to parameters not supported by the driver. The datatype might be String: string, or any other datatype suitable to the protocol of the device. The communicate command is meant to be used in modules with the Communicator interface class.

6.2. Properties#

Definition: Properties

The static information about parameters, modules and SEC nodes is constructed from properties with predefined names and meanings.

For a list of pre-defined properties see Descriptive Data.

6.3. Data report#

A JSON array with the value of a parameter as its first element, and a JSON object containing the Qualifiers for this value as its second element.

See also: the syntax.


Future revisions may add additional elements. These are to be ignored for implementations of the current specification.

6.4. Error report#

An error report is used in an Error Reply indicating that the requested action could not be performed as request or that other problems occurred. The error report is a JSON array containing the name of one of the Error classes, a human readable string and as a third element a JSON-object containing extra error information, which may include the timestamp (as key “t”) and possible additional implementation specific information about the error (stack dump etc.).

See also the syntax.

6.5. Structure report#

The structure report is a structured JSON construct describing the structure of the SEC node. This includes the SEC node properties, the modules, their module-properties and accessibles and the properties of the accessibles. For details see Descriptive Data.

6.6. Value#

Values are transferred as a JSON value.

Programming Hint

Some JSON libraries do not allow all JSON values in their (de-)serialization functions. Whether or not a JSON value is a valid JSON text, is controversial, see this stackoverflow issue and RFC 8259.

(clarification: a JSON document is either a JSON object or a JSON array, a JSON value is any of a JSON object, JSON array, JSON number or JSON string.)

If an implementation uses a library which can not (de-)serialize all JSON values, the implementation can add square brackets around a JSON value, decode it and take the first element of the result. When encoding, the reverse action might be used as a workaround. See also RFC 7493.

6.7. Qualifiers#

Qualifiers optionally augment the value in a reply from the SEC node, and present variable information about that parameter. They are collected as named values in a JSON object.

Currently 2 qualifiers are defined:


The timestamp when the parameter has changed or was verified/measured (when no timestamp is given, the ECS may use the arrival time of the update message as the timestamp). It SHOULD be given, if the SEC node has a synchronized time. The format is that of a UNIX time stamp, i.e. seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Z, represented as a number, in general a floating point when the resolution is better than 1 second.


To check if a SEC node supports time stamping, a ping request can be sent (see also Heartbeat).


The uncertainty of the quantity. MUST be in the same units as the value. So far the interpretation of “e” is not fixed (sigma vs. RMS difference vs. other possibilities).

Other qualifiers might be added later to the standard. If an unknown element is encountered, it is to be ignored.

6.8. Interface Classes#

Interface classes let the ECS determine the functionality of a module from its class or classes.

The standard contains a list of classes, and a specification of the functionality for each of them. The list might be extended over time. Already specified base classes may be extended in later releases of the specification, but earlier definitions will stay intact, i.e. no removals or redefinitions will occur.

The module class is in fact a list of classes (highest level class first) and is stored in the module-property interface_classes. The ECS chooses the first class from the list which is known to it. The last one in the list must be one of the base classes listed below.


The list may also be empty, indicating that the module in question does not even conform to the Readable class.

6.8.1. Base classes#


The main purpose of the module is communication. It may have none of the predefined parameters of the other classes.

The communicate command should be used mainly for debugging reasons, or as a workaround for using hardware functionalities not implemented in the SEC node.


The main purpose is to represent readable values (i.e. from a Sensor). It has at least a value and a status parameter.


The main purpose is to represent fast settable values (i.e. a switch). It must have a target parameter in addition to what a Readable has. It does not have a stop command. A module which needs time to reach the target but cannot be stopped has also to be represented as a Writable, with a BUSY item (code 300…389) in the status enum.


The main purpose is to represent slow settable values (i.e. a temperature or a motorized needle valve). It must have a stop command in addition to what a Writable has. Note that in case the stop command has no effect, a Writable SHOULD be used. Also, the status parameter will indicate a BUSY state for a longer lasting operations.

6.8.2. Features#

Features allow the ECS to detect if a SECoP module supports a certain functionality. A feature typically needs some predefined accessibles and/or module properties to be present. However, it is not only a list of mandatory or optional accessibles, but indicates to the ECS that it may handle this functionality in a specific way.


This feature indicates that the value and target parameters of a module represent raw values, which need to be corrected by an offset. A module with the feature "HasOffset" must have a parameter offset, which indicates to all clients that the transmitted raw values for the parameters value and target are to be converted to corrected values (at the client side) by the following formulas:

For reading the parameters value and target:

corrected value (client) = value (transmitted) + offset
corrected target (client) = target (transmitted) + offset

For changing the parameter target:

target (transmitted) = corrected target (client) - offset

Mandatory parameter: offset